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PSAFL Article writers needed

Do you have a flair for writing?
The PSAFL would like to have one or more article writers to liven up the site.
Articles would cover your preferred topics and can range from simple to detailed.
Possible topics include...
Game of the Week
Interviews with PSAFL coaches
reviews etc...anything you want.
Articles are preferred to be weekly but can be bi-weekly or monthly. Team owners love to read them.

Also, be aware of the ready made blog/articles here for every team owner to use. I used it to write this article. Just sign up to use it and write on the fly. These articles pertain to your own team...whether it be your next match-up, a review or whatever. Let the league read your team's latest news!

To use this, Register, then write your articles in the Full-story box. Turn off "Use HTML" unless you are familiar with HTML.
Include a title. If you click image, there are images for your team to use as the top banner like I did with Webmaster.
Posted on 04 Apr 2021 by Webmaster


Write your own Team Article!  *must be a league member or authorized writer



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