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The procedure going forward for the draft will be as follows:

When we get the strat draft finished, Indy or any other team that goes over the salary cap, will then be allowed to drop as many players as needed and then pick up players to get them under the cap of 120 million,

Once every team is under the cap and at 52/54 players the trade freeze will be lifted.
Also, keep in mind if you make a trade and are over the 52/54 you must drop a player immediately to get back to the limit.
No trade may place you over the salary cap or it will be rejected.
You may also designate a player to IR (if you still have an option left to do so) when the trading freeze is lifted.

Also at the time/date (It will be soon) given teams may request to Add and/or drop players and add a Free Agent.
You May only request to add one (1) player per day with the order the same as the draft.
Those Add/Drops will be done on the Website under "Report Player Add/Drops".

Also when the trading freeze is lifted you must report all trade son the website.

The season will begin the week of July 11. We are almost ready to go!!
Posted on 15 Jul 2021 by Doug Crandall


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